food, health

Cooking Tips – Honey

If you enjoy the flavour of honey and want a snack food that is healthy, this recipe for Honey and Oat Cookies, (Biscuits in Australia), may fit the bill. Or perhaps Quinoa Salad with its Honey and Lemon dressing is more your preference. Measuring honey leaves for one sticky clean up. Is there an easier way?


Measuring Honey or Syrup

To prevent a sticky measuring cup or spoon when cooking with honey, oil the measuring cup with a thin smear of cooking oil and rinse in hot water before using.

You won’t be left with a sticky cup or measuring spoon to wash!

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Stove cooking kitchen design

Pavlova – a Perfect Dessert for Celebrations

Traditional Australian Pavlova

The Pavlova recipe I make is an old recipe taken from my trusty Aussie Women’s Weekly Recipe book. *(Page 32 is a tomato veal dish, Peggy!)

This book that was gifted to me in 1979, by my Mother. 41 years later, with its spine tatted and broken, this book continues to reveal recipe secrets I have yet to make.

nostalgic greeting with words Love Mum 1979
My Christmas gift the year after I left home

Pavlova Recipe

Following is the recipe I use, although I don’t use a piping bag to make the edges.

I just dump the meringue mix on to a lined baking sheet and form it into a makeshift circle, by dragging around the edges from base to tip with a broad spatula. It is less fuss, and noone wants too much fuss in the kitchen, when the mercury soars in summertime!

Australian Womens weekly pavlova recipe

Pavlova Cooking Tips

I cook my Pavlova in an oven set on 150 degees C. (300 degrees F.) for around 35 – 40 minutes. Then I will leave the pavlova to cool in the oven.

Once the Pavlova has finished its cooking time, I turn the oven off, and place a wooden spoon in the door to allow some heat to escape, but not all the heat, at once. This extended minimal heat is enough to dry the outer shell of the Pavlova whilst allowing the middle to be all soft and gooey.

It ends up quite rustic looking but leaves a crater or depression in the top into which you can place your fruits, custard or cream, or all three.

Photo by Sandra Filipe on

Celebration Pavlova with Chocolate Dome

This year I decided to make something a little different. Impressive isn’t it? And it is quite simple.

Do you want to know how to make the Chocolate dome for the top?

Find the directions for this variation at my other blog – Something to Ponder About