
Friendly Friday Challenge – Postcards from the Past

Using Canva as a template, I had some fun with Sandy’s prompt for Friendly Friday, this week.

I actually wanted to cartoonize the photograph of Nyhaven, Denmark, so it looks like a digital illustration, but as that involved a Canva pro subscription, I opted for something less, this time.

Using the postcard template is a fun way to re-live past travel memories.

In case you were wondering, yes my newly purchased cap with Danmark embroidered on it that I had purchased at a souvenir shop near the H.C. Anderson exhibit in Odense, did blow off and land in the canal. It was never seen again and yet, I still have one today.

On my return home to Australia, I managed to find a similar cap in a store and had the words Danmark embroidered on it, complete with Dannebrog. (Dannebrog is the Danish flag).

I will be back next week at Something to Ponder About with a new photo challenge prompt.

blogging, home, Uncategorized

Bricks and Tiles

Although a few weeks have passed, progress continues on the little home by the sea.

Our Brick and Tile House.

So now it looks a bit like this:

It has been wrapped in a green weather resistant lining in preparation for the laying of the external bricks and cladding. And my much sought after cornerless butt-joined window has been installed in the MOTH’s mancave/future geriatric bedroom on the lower level.

The first Bricks arrived some time ago, after an initial hiccup with the delivery – read more about that hiccup here. But there was more pallets to come as you see here. The MOTH estimated about 11,000 bricks.

Installing all the electrical wiring, plumbing and services does take time. Which is fine if they do it right. And then there is insulation installed in roof areas and upper walls. This is what makes our new homes more expensive but more energy efficient.

New homes in Queensland must comply with a Six star energy rating. I do hope this will result in a cooler home in summer, but warmer in winter. It has to be better than the previous open plan home which has a partly insulated roof space.

My memories of that home meant we froze in the shadow of a double storey home on the northern side and melted when the summer sun hit the long southern side of the uninsulated hardiplank walls.

Linking to Friendly Friday – Bricks and Tiles