sunrise beach australia
blogging, environment, health, home

Friendly Friday Challenge – Morning Rituals on the Beach

Although I may be in the minority, I have to say that I love getting up in the mornings. No, I am not masochistic. I live by the sea and the mornings there are so joyous, it makes me want to get up early just to see the very best of the day.

Furthermore, I am now retired so I don’t need to be functioning all day, but can take it at an easier slower pace. To which, I am rapidly becoming accustomed. And, I love it.

The mornings are no time to sit and drink a hot cuppa. It is time to move – after sleeping all night.

I like to take a walk, after a morning routine of Yoga exercises, right on the beach if possible.

As you get older and more sedentary, the joints and muscles stiffen up and it is so vital that we keep them functioning for as long as possible. What good is it living to a ripe old age if you can’t enjoy it? Right?

Yoga Sun salutations are best performed facing east. Because that is where you will see the sunrise, of course.

Even better if you can do it on the beach.

A walk with the dog is next on the agenda.

Right on the beach if possible.

See what you are missing all you people who like a sleep in?

Linking to Sandy’s theme for Friendly Friday. I will be back at my main blog, StPA, next week with a new theme. You are welcome to join in with the Friendly Friday Challenge anytime.

See you then.

52 thoughts on “Friendly Friday Challenge – Morning Rituals on the Beach”

      1. Started with coffee about 3 years old together with my mother’s mother who took care of me while my mum and dad were at work – guess now about 2 liters per day. 🙂

        Don’t see myself as energetic only curious about life – even you are awake you easily could be lazy too. 😀 😀 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Worked for an american owned coffee producer in Europe for more than ten years several years ago – at that time Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden was the top-four most coffee-drinking countries in the world every year. Clear above number five on the list. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That is a good practice. There are lots of folk in dialysis who did not drink enough water or relied on coffee or tea for their fluid intake. No one wants to be tied to a dialysis machine.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. If I was on Vancouver Island, yes. I have a glorious sunset on my balcony. For sunrises, I’d have to run to the other side of the peninsula and risk disturbing bears, wolves and cougars that early in the morning. Base on your photos I think your area might be a bit more civilized 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. One of the things you learn quickly is how to respect the wilderness. Wildlife on the trail can happen, but if all is well, the animals will steer clear of humans. It’s when they become habituated to humans that it’s a problem .. that the big issues with bears getting into human garbage & depending on it as a food source.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Ha ha … a rogue koala! I always think of Australia as being a dangerous place to live. You guys have the most venomous spiders & snakes in the world! And unlike a bear/cougar & wolf, you can’t see those bug(ger)s !!!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m absolutely a morning person too. We live about 10 min drive from the beach & we’re on it walking the coast path by about 5.20 every morning. A 5k walk, and then sit down for a coffee & then back home for breakfast & to work. It’s the best way to start the day & no matter what else the day throws at me, I ticked something off before work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well done to be on the coast path by 5.20am. I love that sense of satisfaction that the day has not been waster and that you are active and engaged at an early hour. Do you go at 5.20 am in winter too?


      1. Wow. Good on them. I suppose we all wake up around the same time year round, generally speaking. The Moth ( man of the house ) does NOT like to get up early so I walk on my own or with the dogs. That makes me not so inclined to go alone. A neighbour walks with me once a week or so when her shifts permit her too, so that is the only time I would be walking in the crepuscular light!

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      2. My hubby never used to come with me, but he’s been regular too for the past year or so. I walk on my own in the afternoons after I finish work – it’s my “me” time.

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  2. I’m a morning person too. But my ritual usually involves rising about 4.30 to sit in comfy chair to go through the latest news, and to peruse my emails, and other internet addictions. I usually hear Paul stirring around 5.30, at which time I make a cup of tea and take it back to bed. We discuss our plans for the day, I read a chapter or two of a book (or more internet perusing) until around 7. Then it’s shower and Pilates while Paul takes Tills for a walk. I walk later – like you I’m finding some sort of specific exercise for joints and muscles is becoming vital on a daily basis. If I don’t do it first thing, I don’t tend to do it at all. It’s becoming a losing battle though – in ten years time I can sense 10 hours of exercise may be needed (not going to happen though) to maintain normal posture and some semblance of strength.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Now I love mornings but 4.30 is a stretch even for me. But if you are awake, this sounds like a good way to greet the morning.
      It is good to hear that I am not unusual in feeling the increasing stiffness in my joints. Not that any of us want that at all, but that it is a sort of natural thing at our age.
      Is Yoga something that appeals to you? There are some wonderful free options on the net now. I am accessing a site called Live Life Get Active. Free sessions of all kinds, aerobic to yoga to meditation.


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