growing lemon tree in pot
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Grow Your Own Lemons

citrus cultivation

How much better is it to source organic citrus fruit straight from the garden?

Fruit that you can be sure is free from pesticides and sprays, because you have picked it directly from your own backyard?

If you have only experienced food purchased from the supermarket, you don’t know what you’re missing. Home grown fruit is so much juicier. This applies to most foods, freshly sourced.

It is not as hard as you think to grow your own food, even with limited space.

Benefits of Growing Your Own Fruit

  • save on packaging waste with supermarket products
  • better nutritional goodness
  • increased levels of juiciness and palatability
  • using your property to productive use
  • promoting food sources for bees

Unfortunately, those sad supermarket lemons sit in freight or storage for two weeks, before hitting the supermarket shelves, and then spend far more time in the supermarket, itself. Finally, someone purchases them, takes them home and pops them in their fridge, so they could be up to one month old or older, when they use them for meals. Eeew? Not really nutritionally sound.

I don’t have the space for a garden and my soil quality is poor, I hear many lament.

Citrus trees, such as lemons, can be successfully grown in pots, as long as they are positioned in a sun drenched spot, in the garden or courtyard and a good citrus fertiliser added in Autumn.

Meet ‘Lemon Heaven’ – a new seedless variety of lemon tree.

lemon tree species

It is the latest addition to the Home by the Sea.

If you live in Australia, a dose of citrus food in small amounts monthly from August to mid autumn will help the little tree along. I also added some Seasol to the pot to help the new addition settle into family life at the Home by the Sea.

Health Benefits of Lemons

  • Lemons are antiseptic
  • May aid digestion eases heartburn and bloating
  • Lemons cleanse and stimulates the liver and kidneys
  • Lemon juice contains calcium, magnesium and potassium
  • Lemon juice has been known to relieve asthma
  • A favoured remedy for colds/flu
  • A great skin cleanser
  • It can kick start one’s metabolism

More Reasons to Incorporate Lemons in your Diet

23 thoughts on “Grow Your Own Lemons”

    1. A garden of eden in your backyard by the sounds of things, Peggy. I am just starting mine, but have been harvesting Mignon lettuce, and have cucumbers, capsicum and a variety of herbs going at the moment. The recent rains were a blessing to give them a much needed boost. How long does it take a fig tree to fruit?

      Liked by 1 person

  1. You lemon tree looks primed & ready for planting.

    My mother used to be an avid grower of fruit trees. I won’t say she was a gardener. She didn’t care too much about flowers but she loved harvesting fruits. Unfortunately for her, the time we lived in any one place was always shorter than the time the trees took to mature. Years later, she’d drive by the old homes and envy the bounty left behind.

    Unfortunately I don’t have her talent. My plants never thrive. I do like harvesting fruit but now I go to pick-your-own farms.


    1. Your comment reminds me of the Greek proverb which is similar to the proverb I posted last Sunday, Sandy: “Society grows great when men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” That is what your Mum has been doing with but with fruit! We left a nearly mature olive tree at our last house, (they take seven years to fruit), so I can relate. Your alternative of going to pick your own farms is superb. I have such fond memories of going to a cherry farm and doing this. We do have strawberries farm around that still offer this to folks. Such farm and the taste is divine straight off the vine!


    1. Living in a subtropical climate where you can grow almost anything except cold climate plants, I forget that climate comes into whether you can grow this or not. But then – some folks have glass houses/green houses/conservatories – don’t they? Would it grow in a pot in such a situation, Marion?

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      1. It would probably have a chance in a south facing conservatory. We actually have a good sized greenhouse but it’s not heated and we don’t really utilise it fully except for a few tomatoes, cucumbers etc! It must be a treat to pour a gin and tonic and then pop out to pick your own lemon, what bliss!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I am looking forward to the day when I can do that, Marion. And sit under my new alfresco patio area – when the weather is more mild. Too darn hot at the moment. But we are thankfully nearing the end of summer. You, on the other hand must be excited for Spring to arrive?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. We have a few miniature potted fruit trees with a Myer Lemon amongst them. No lemons yet, but the tee itself is thriving. I’m hoping to get enough to preserve some. I love the flavour preserved lemons add to middle eastern dishes, and of course the flavour of fresh lemons to just about anything. I’ll be interested to see how Lemon Heaven performs. Our latest addition to the potted edible garden is a self fertilising almond tree.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hesitated before buying this new hybrid and was going to buy a good old relible Meyer. But on a whim, I bought this. I hope I haven’t made the wrong choice.
      Anything self-fertilizing like the almond tree, sounds enticing, Chris. And I love almonds. Although lately I have been plagued by tinnitus in one ear – think Cicadas on a hot summer night in the tropics and you get the idea of what it is like. Foods high in salicylates seem to aggravate it for some reason – I must have some kind of sensitivity – but only on my right side, which seems silly, doesn’t it? Anyways, I love almonds but can’t eat them too much for that reason, Two days ago, I couldn’t resist the ones in the jar and today I am paying for it. That was a long winded way around asking you:
      How long before it is supposed to produce almonds?


  3. I try to keep lemons in the house for all the reasons you mentioned here. There was a time living in California that we grew them along with many other fruits in our yard. My son tried to grow them but the wind took most of the flowers as he lived in the high desert area. I miss being able to grow them My climate works for pears, apples and cherries but my tiny plot hasn’t the room I’m glad you can grow them in pots there. Every thing tastes better home grown.

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