sunrise morning

Anzac Biscuits or Cookies

Over at StPA, I spoke of the Anzac Day spirit living on throughout Australia, as it does here at the Home by the Sea. Today, April 25, is Anzac Day. This morning we experienced an Anzac Day, like no other.

Due to the risks associated with Covid-19, Australians were unable to hold communal memorial ceremonies, at the shrines in each and every suburb, as is the norm.

Our first Anzac Day at the Home by the Sea, was always going to be unique.

In our street and across every residential streets of Australia, people turned out to stand on their driveways, at 5.55 am in order to hold a candlelight line of honour in memory of the Anzacs and sacrifice of servicemen and women.

Thanks to a bugler two streets away, the Last Post wafted quietly over the rooftops and the suburban streets, which had fallen into a 5-minute silent vigil, as a mark of respect. Hearing this tune chokes up the hardiest person, once you know what it represents.

The haunting tune, made eerily more real as humanity battles the Corona virus.

Flags hung from balconies, garage doors and windows. Later, street barbeques with appropriate social distancing were held at lunch. The R.S.L. branches held ‘Two-up,’ online! A first.

Me, I made Anzac Biscuit from my own recipes and shared them (observing appropriate Hand Hygiene practices), with the local community. Rick, our self-appointed neighbourhood watch trooper who scoots about on his Power Wheelchair, was a grateful recipient, scooting off to share the still warm biscuits or cookies, with his “Mrs.”

An Anzac Day we will not forget.

14 thoughts on “Anzac Biscuits or Cookies”

      1. That’s what Loving Husband thinks – that our masks, particularly, are aggressive-looking. But I reckon also that with all the safe-distancing measures drummed into our heads, everyone is just super-cautious when we are out.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We mind our own business now. Perhaps people inadvertantly look at mouths to see the emotional state and “read” the other person, whereas I thought they would look at the eyes. With masks covering the mouths, they might want to look away, as subconsciously they appear as Husband thinks – intimidating or potentially aggressive. It is an interesting phenomenon, for sure.


      3. It makes reading body language a whole new challenge, certainly. And if mask-wearing hopefully persists for a while yet, this is a skill we all need to brush up on! I really don’t relish the brooding feelings of closed-ness when I have to go out – I understand that this stance is bred my necessity but I have to believe that civility (if not friendliness) can and will return.

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